
PROVEN Step-by-Step Yogi Inversions Course is designed to get you upside down safely!

What You Will Learn:

-Forearm Stand (Pincha)
*Bonus Arm Balances*

Inversion Coaching for Yogi's looking to:

  • Jump, hop, or fly your way into inversions

  • Gain flexibility

  • Learn key fundamentals of inversions
  • Break away from limiting beliefs 

  • Deepen your personal Yoga practice

  • Discover movement while upside down

  • Strengthen the body & mind

  • Develop essential core strength 

Included in your investment:

– Access to our supportive FB community of like minded yogis

– Customized strength building yoga practices designed for your body and experience level

Weekly worksheets and homework

-Exclusive guided breath work visualization exercises

Take the leap and let’s get upside down!

My first founding members will receive 50% off! Join now for only $45


What exactly is this course?  My Yogi Inversions course is an online self paced program that teaches you the skills needed to hold your inversions (headstand, forearm stand, and handstands.) I will walk you through daily exercises and strength building workouts that isolate the exact muscle groups needed to hold inversions. 

How long will it take? I’ve designed this program as completely self paced. Depending on how focused you are with each lesson, it could take you anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to hold your inversion. 

I don’t want to do headstands, is it still worth my time? Absolutely! I carefully curated this program to map out every inversion we’ll be working on together, you’re more than welcome to skip the headstand lessons and skip straight to the juicy stuff.

I have an injury, is this safe for me to do? It would depend on your specific injury. I’ve had students with various previous mild injuries (back pain, wrist pain or neck pain). There’s ways to get through the movements and being aware of what hurts and what doesn’t, it all depends on your own awareness to your body. 


Ready to get upside down?

Our Most Recent Case Study: 

My student Kristen came to me completely new to Yoga!

After our first week working together she was able to do a headstand on her own, and away from the wall!

We’re now  working on Pincha and learning Handstands at the wall. 

It’s so incredible watching her grow in her own Yoga practice.